Dr. Komarovsky about homeopathy


On the shelves of pharmacies presented a great variety of homeopathic medicines for children. Basically, they form a segment of antiviral drugs.

Many parents are happy to buy them and give to their peanuts only with good intentions, because "not chemistry."

According to opinion polls, 8 out of 10 adults have no idea what exactly is the concept of "homeopathy." Most of this question is answered that it is such a gentle and harmless children's herbal medicines. The famous doctor and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky will shed light on the truth.

What it is?

Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine that offers to treat “similar with similar”.. The principle is pseudoscientific, but homeopaths contrast it with traditional pharmacology. Homeopathic medicines are products that contain particles of various substances, resulting from strong dilution with solutions. There are funds that contain thousandths of the active substance, ten thousandths and so on.

Official medicine does not recognize homeopathy, since clinical studies have not revealed any intelligible data on the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. And the improvement against the background of their admission is considered by the doctors to be a "placebo" effect.

Attitude towards homeopathy who

The World Health Organization warns that homeopathic remedies cannot replace a full-fledged treatment, especially for infectious diseases.

After long and heated debates in 2017 in our country, homeopathy was officially recognized as a false science, the experts of the Committee to combat the falsification of research scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences came to this conclusion.

A corresponding memorandum has been issued, which proposes to limit the sale of homeopathic medicines along with medicines.

It is proposed to return to the practice of the XIX century, when there were separate homeopathic pharmacies in Russia, so as not to mislead customers, because more than half of the people who use homeopathy in illness have no idea what exactly they use. Many people believe that they are being treated with ordinary pills, since the pharmacist has advised them to them.

The most well-known homeopathic remedies that parents often use for their little ones are “Anaferon child "," Otsillokotsinum ","Tenoten"," Aflubin "," Viburkol "and others.

Opinion of the doctor

Yevgeny Komarovsky, as a pediatrician, stresses that children like homeopathic products very much, and how could it be otherwise if homeopathy for a child does not carry any “threat” - they do not give injections, do not give bitter pills, not treatment, but sheer pleasure.

But adults have a lot to think about. First of all, Evgeny Olegovich advises to calculate how much mothers spend on such flu pills per year for the prevention of acute respiratory diseases and for immunity. Get a round amount. And then you should try to present as brightly as possible what the money was paid for.

And parents pay, according to Evgeny Komarovsky's persistent conviction, for their own peace of mind. Bought a advertised drug, gave the child, you can be calm - the crumb is protected. In fact, manufacturers of homeopathic pills, drops and suppositories do not cheat only one thing - their products are harmless. The fact that it is useless, in the instructions for use will not write, as well as that there are no evidence and logical conclusions about the effectiveness of tablets.

In order for moms and dads to get a better idea of ​​what exactly they give to children under the guise of an effective medicine, you need to know how such drugs are made.

A small amount of the active substance is repeatedly diluted with water and shaken every time before a new dilution. Ultimately remains from the strength of a pair of molecules.

Homeopaths claim that when they come in contact with water, these substances “transmit” to it certain information that is supposedly “recorded” and “remembered” by this water itself. No one has yet succeeded in proving this from a medical point of view, but even if we take the opinion of homeopaths as a basis and on faith, it turns out that people pay money for water that is “charged” with something, which is part of the pills along with sugar.

Komarovsky, speaking of homeopathy, always asks parents if a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of water can cure the flu, chickenpox, scarlet fever or a nervous breakdown in a child. The answer is always negative. Nobody believes in such a probability.

However, there are positive reviews from moms and dads about treating a child with homeopathic remedies. And this Evgeny Komarovsky tells separately.

Suppose a baby has all the signs of a beginning respiratory viral infection (fever, runny nose, soreness in throat). Mom gives him a homeopathic "Anaferon" or "Aflubin." Gives according to the instructions as the manufacturer ordered. After 3-5 days, the baby becomes easier, the disease recedes, mom rejoices and praises the miracle pills.

In fact, a viral infection in 3-5 days will retreat itself, since children's immunity during this time will cope with it without medication. And tablets with microscopic doses of the active substance have nothing to do with it.

It is clear that when ARVI homeopathic pills and drops do not harm and do not help. But everything changes when the child has more serious diagnoses, and the mother requires the doctor to prescribe homeopathy, or, even worse, consult with a pharmacist about this possibility.

There are diseases in which giving homeopathic preparations means not treating the child at all, because sugar and water with charged particles will not replace antibiotics, antiseptics, vascular medicines.

Komarovsky does not impose personal opinion on his patients and readers. It leaves everyone free to choose - to buy homeopathic preparations for children or to save this money and buy fruit for them for the baby.

This is a question of faith, says Yevgeny Olegovich. If a person believes in healing with sugar, then let him believe in health. If at the same time sugar will help him, then even better.

For everyone else (doubters and rational thinkers) Yevgeny Komarovsky gives a list of homeopathic medicines, so that moms and dads will know their names and consciously make their free choice:

Note: the list is incomplete. It includes only the most popular and well-sold products of the homeopathic medicine group.

On whether to use homeopathic remedies in the treatment of children, look and in the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


