Soothing baths for children


Being small is a very big job. From the first days after their birth, crumbs actively explore the world, learn a lot of new information every day, get impressions and get incredibly tired of it. The task of adults is to help the kids relax and fully relax.

There are many ways to make life easier for excitable, active children, as well as their parents, but today I want to dwell in more detail on one of them - soothing baths. Almost all children like to swim. So why not turn the usual hygienic procedure into a pleasant ritual with a healing effect?

What are we for?

Soothing baths help babies to relax faster, relieve muscle clamps, normalize sleep, have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and have tonic properties. Some formulations have an antiseptic effect.

How to act?

Children's skin is known to be very sensitive. Therefore, contact with special formulations used to prepare soothing baths will resemble “information sharing”. The skin of the crumbs "give up" all pathogenic factors, including accumulated toxins, and "take" nutrients that quickly spread throughout the body.

How to make a decoction and what herbs use for bathing newborns, see in the video:

Who are they intended for?

Soothing baths can be taken in infants and crumbs up to a year.. These procedures are especially useful for children aged 2-3 years, when babies become excitable during the first age crisis. Soothing baths for a good sleep and general relaxation are also useful for children of primary school age.


Soothing baths are most often done with the addition of herbal "healers" - lavender, chamomile, pine needles, lemon balm, and St. John's wort. An important condition - in one session you can not mix more than four types of plants.

A coniferous bath will help the baby to relax and get ready for bed.

Often, to keep parents from insane experiments on mixing herbal remedies, doctors recommend universal recipes:

  • Relaxing bath. Take ready sedative collection number 2, motherwort and knotweed. All ingredients are sold at any pharmacy and are inexpensive. For 10 liters of prepared water for swimming, take 3 tablespoons of the finished herbal mixture, pour boiling water (about 400-500 grams). It is necessary to insist means about 40 minutes. Strain and add to bath. Take her baby should be within a quarter of an hour. Repeat the procedure in a day. General course - a month.
  • "Sleepy" bath. The proportions per 10 liters of prepared water are as follows: 50-60 grams of calendula flowers, mint and oregano. All herbs pour 2 liters of boiling water and insist half an hour. Strain before adding to the bath. Take for 15 minutes three times a week. The general course is two weeks.
  • Restorative bath. This is a pine bath, which perfectly helps babies not only to recuperate after an illness, but also normalizes sleep and soothes. For 10 liters of water you will need 50 grams of needles, which you need to fill with 2 liters of boiling water. After a 45-minute infusion, the agent is added to the bath. Take 10 minutes half an hour before bedtime. It is recommended not more than three times a week. General course - 2 weeks.

Chamomile-based bathtubs and turns cleans the baby's skin well, it will benefit the diathesis-crumbs. Motherwort and lavender baths have a sedative effect and are ideal for hyperactive babies.

Be careful with valerian - in the water in which the child is bathing, you can add no more than 10 drops of the finished valerian infusion. This will help avoid allergic reactions to valerian. Baths with St. John's wort effectively soothe and “sleep” children with sleep disorders.

Baths with sea salt are also useful, only use for them requires only natural salt, without perfume dyes and flavors. Chemical additives can be very dangerous for the delicate skin of an infant.

Baths with essential oils have a positive effect on the respiratory system of the child. But avoid essential oils of exotic origin (orange, mandarin, ylang-ylang, sandalwood) - they are allergenic. It is better to opt for the essential oils of medicinal plants that grow in your natural belt.

For children's baths, you can use the oils of only those plants that grow in your area.


Take soothing bathrooms should not children:

  • Suffering from allergies to herbs and plants.
  • With severe disorders of the nervous system (if it is officially established by a neurologist).
  • With increased body temperature during illness.

Important Tips

  • Before deciding to start procedures, consult your pediatrician. If he does not find contraindications, you can go to the pharmacy.
  • When a decoction of healing herbs is ready, it must be tested for susceptibility by the child. Apply a few drops of broth to a small area of ​​the skin of the crumbs. If within half an hour there is no redness, itching, rash, puffiness, the bath can be taken.
  • Remember that the optimum water temperature in the baby bath should be within + 37 degrees Celsius. In hotter water, healing substances and essential oils will begin to quickly disintegrate, in colder ones, they will not be able to reveal all their possibilities.
  • For everyday bathing, relaxing and soothing herbal baths are not appropriate. To splash around every day, you can use baby bath foam with a soothing effect “Affectionate Mom” or “Eared Nanny”. The first version contains lavender, in the second - chamomile.
  • Adult facilities for taking relaxing baths (they are also sold in the pharmacy) are not suitable for babies! In their composition can be both natural and unnatural components that adversely affect the condition of the skin of the child and can cause complications of the respiratory system.
  • You will not immediately notice the positive effect of taking soothing baby baths. No wonder they are assigned to the course reception. The fact is that some plant substances have a cumulative effect, so it is important to maintain a full course of procedures.
Several baths with herbs will change the condition of the baby for the better

Receiving soothing baths is desirable to combine with the gameplay in the bath by age. This, according to psychologists, provides a double effect: igrotherapy gives additional relaxation, as the child throws out all the experiences and emotions. For the smallest, you can use sets of rubber ducks, for children, more groovy toys floating in the bath.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


