Charging for children 3-4 years


When a child reaches three years of age, his activity increases several times, and at this time it is important to introduce morning exercises, and if possible more additional physical exercises during the day. Carrying out charging with the kids should start at home and continue in the kindergarten so that the baby can see consistency, which will help him to get involved in the process faster and enjoy the morning workout with pleasure.

Special features

Growing up, the child changes not only externally, he constantly undergoes the development of all organs and systems that present new opportunities for both children and adults. If kids hardly perform any physical exercises, then in 3-4 years the brain is already developed enough to be able to comprehend the command, and the body is able to reproduce it. Gymnastics for children from 3 years old helps to achieve a harmonious development of the whole body through properly selected exercises and alternating active and passive activities.

As the child starts to move more and every year of his growth and try new movements, then children’s exercises are simply necessary for quick mastering of any element. In 2-3 years it will be extremely simple, consisting of light movements and movements, whereas in 4 years you can already give some elements of gymnastics. Morning exercise will help the baby start the day properly, activate all the processes in the body, while receiving excellent emotions and tangible benefits.

It is desirable to start a trip to the sports sections at this age, when the child himself can decide what he likes and what does not, and without prior training (in the form of morning gymnastics) it will be difficult to master even one lesson, much less enjoy it. . Every experienced trainer knows that for children of 3-4 years it is important to build play activities with an emphasis on sports, and not vice versa.

The older the child becomes, the smaller will be the proportion of games, and the greater will be serious physical activity. The section to which the child should be given should be located close to home or kindergarten, so that parents or other relatives can constantly take the young athlete to workout. The coach must have qualifications and confirmation that he is a graduate, but most importantly, his experience in working with children, without which it is impossible to become a successful coach and educate future champions.

Every parent wants to see his child healthy and happy, but not everyone has the time and money for sports or similar sections, so it is important to exercise every day with the child in order to independently adjust his development, help him and himself, to be healthy, beautiful and happy.

What is and how to do?

A child in 3-4 years must constantly move in order to develop normally. For this activity to have some kind of goal, you can use the outdoor games included in the charge. The daily start of the day through charging lays a certain degree of organization in the child, nurturing in him the right qualities. In addition, after some time from the sport, the baby will get real pleasure. The use of morning exercise allows you to calm hyperactive children with a set of exercises and increase the activity of those who prefer to sit quietly and play alone.

Regular classes at home and in the kindergarten help children to become more enduring, to gain the first skills of self-discipline and endurance.The advantage of kindergarten classes is year-round work, which is carried out in the warm season in the warm season, which is even more useful, whereas in home conditions it is not always possible. With the help of properly selected exercises, the preschooler gets a dosed load on the muscles, which allows them to grow and develop properly. In addition, there is an active work of the heart and lungs, which makes it possible at an early stage to identify any abnormalities or prevent them altogether.

The optimal time for charging at this age is from 8 to 15 minutes, during which you can cheer up and prepare for the day ahead. It is important to monitor the workload and the complexity of the exercises so that they are not too complex or easy. In carrying out charging with children 3 years and older, it is important to organize the process so that all of its participants are equally interested, and this is possible only with the help of games. In the kindergarten in this way are held:

  • sports;
  • music;
  • general education.

In order for any activity to be to the liking of children, it is important to organize it correctly, for which you need:

  • prepare active music that will delight children and set them up to perform physical exercises;
  • find such exercises that the child will be interesting and fun to perform, where he himself will seek to repeat and increase the number of repetitions;
  • use unusual assignment names to intrigue a child;
  • for parallel development of speech, hearing and rhythm, you can sing or read poetry during exercises;
  • an interesting option would be a video tutorial where children of similar age do exercises;
  • It is important to monitor the quality of performance of each element on the charge, so that they carry the maximum effect, for which an adult should praise and encourage the child.

With the help of the right motivation, an interesting set of tasks, fun music, children can form a strong desire to exercise every day, while experiencing extremely positive emotions.

Approximate set of exercises for morning gymnastics

Charging should be designed to quickly heat up the body and give it a little physical exertion. The introductory part of the lesson - warm up - should contain walking and running, which are given alternately to gradually activate the children. It is important to bring all sorts of surprises to this part, add music, objects or complicate tasks. The duration of this part is not more than 3 minutes.

With regard to the main part of the charge, then it should be those exercises that activate muscle activity, help in the development of joints, the formation of correct posture and the harmonious development of the whole body.

At the end of charging, it is necessary to gradually reduce the pace of exercise activity, add walking and stretching.

Warming up might look like this:

  • walking on the spot and with gradual advancement;
  • running in a circle and around any obstacles (the game can be called “Catch”, the essence of which will be to avoid obstacles in an attempt to catch up with what is in front);
  • walking is used again to change activity, but alternately on toes, heels, inner and outer sides of the foot, which is especially effective for flat feet;
  • again running exercises with sudden brakes on clapping or stopping music (the game can be called “Hide and Seek”, the essence of which will be not only a sudden stop, but also a search for a place to hide);
  • The last exercise also includes walking, but this time it is complicated by the addition of handwork, which, by a signal, rises, spreads around and falls, you can also use walking with high elevation of legs bent at the knees.

After the warm-up, it is important to hold the playing part of the workout, where children will get the sports part of the lesson with the original feed, which will give them maximum pleasure. Consider an exemplary list of such exercises.

  • "Hello!". To perform you need to get up as follows: legs apart, hands behind your back. On the count of 1 - inhale and tilt down, 2 - return to the original position. Exercise is like a bow. For more activity, you can think of a quatrain that will be spoken during the execution of the task.
  • "Where are my friends?" Legs apart, hands on the belt. On the count 1 - turn the body in one direction, 2 - in the other. As a complication, you can add hand movement to the face, as if looking out for someone.
  • "We grow like mushrooms". Feet apart, arms down. On the score 1 - through the sides to raise your hands up, 2 - to stretch upwards, standing on the toes, 3 - to fall on the heels, 4 - to return to the main position.
  • "Let's sunbathe!". Lie on your back and roll over to the belly in one direction, and then from the starting position to the other.
  • "Bunny Jumping". Legs together, arms in front of you, elbows bent. Performing jumps in one place and around an object, an improvised tree or a bush.

In conclusion, it is important to give exercises for walking and breathing in order to restore the pulse and bring the child to a calm state. If time remains, it is worthwhile to give a simple stretching complex, including bending forward from a sitting position with straight legs and divorced in different directions, bending down from a standing position also with straight and widely spread legs. All movements are performed smoothly and slowly, so as not to damage the muscles and relax the child.


The use of gymnastics and gymnastics is important and useful at any age, but even in children of 3-4 years there may already be some contraindications or a period of complication after the disease, when exercise therapy is recommended instead of standard training. Improving physical culture will provide an opportunity to activate the child, without causing him discomfort. The more complex the situation, the more important becomes the professionalism in the selection of the complex, according to which the child will undergo rehabilitation.

If the deviation is insignificant, for example, with clubfoot or scoliosis, you need to adjust the exercises so that they include all sorts of back and foot muscles in order to develop and strengthen them. Only in this way can you get rid of such problems. When a calm regimen is prescribed to a child after an illness, and there is a need to carry out light exercise, parquet gymnastics will help out in this case.

The use of exercises on the floor and on the mat, with a partner and without, will provide an opportunity to increase physical activity every day, strengthening the weakened body, returning it to its former state.

In order to interest the child, to increase his interest in training, or to complicate an already existing complex, you can use sports equipment. It is best to purchase specialized children’s, but you can make everything from improvised means, as long as the child is interested, comfortable, and the equipment is safe for the young athlete and his entourage. The most favorite inventory of children is the ball, with which you can come up with a lot of exciting exercises on different muscle groups. No less fun to work with a gymnastic stick and hoop.

Carrying out morning exercises with children of this age is an extremely important event, which should be treated with full responsibility.

Learn more about how to carry out exercises for children 3-4 years old, you will learn from the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


