What to do when swelling at 37 weeks of pregnancy?


Many pregnant women in the 37th week of pregnancy appear different edema. This unfavorable symptom brings future discomfort to the expectant mother.

How does it manifest itself?

Edema in a woman during the third trimester of pregnancy appear quite often. The severity of adverse symptoms can vary from mild to very severe.

Edema can appear on different parts of the body. Many expectant mothers note that in the third trimester of pregnancy, their fingers begin to swell. This symptom is noticeable, as a rule, when wearing a ring. Removing it from the finger can be accompanied by significant difficulties.

Fingers swell more often in women who suffer from any diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract. In the third trimester, the uterus puts a lot of pressure on these organs. This contributes to some violation of the outflow of urine and its stagnation. Ultimately, the accumulation of fluid in the body and leads to edema.

Also, swelling may appear on the face. As a rule, edema appears under the lower eyelids. At the same time, the contours of the face also change - it becomes more round, its configuration changes. Edemas under the eyes appear most often in the morning. In the evening, they decrease.

Swelling of the legs is another frequent option. In this case, they “rise” from the feet to the thighs. Most of the swelling is concentrated in the legs.

Identify swelling future mom can and independently. To do this, she should gently press on the skin at the site of swelling. If the hole remains in place of pressure for some time, then this indicates the presence of edema.

Another characteristic sign of swelling may be too much weight gain. Monitoring this indicator is necessarily carried out to all expectant mothers. In each period of pregnancy, the rate of weight gain is different. This simple method of research allows you to accurately determine the presence of edema in the female body, even at home.

How to cope with this condition?

With the appearance of edema, the expectant mother should consult with her doctor. In some cases, some pathologies of the course of pregnancy contribute to their development. To distinguish the norm from the pathology can only the attending doctor who observes a woman and knows the features of the course of a particular pregnancy.

When edema occurs, it is very important to determine the cause that contributed to their appearance. So, the emergence of a strong swelling contributes to the use of too salty food. Violation of the drinking regime is also a common cause.

In order to assess the water balance, the doctor will definitely recommend the expectant mother to monitor how much she drinks fluids and excretes urine. The results of this while a pregnant woman must necessarily write in a notebook and notebook. If the expectant mother drinks much more liquid than her urine is secreted, then the risk of edema increases several times.

In some cases, the development of edema is accompanied by other clinical symptoms. So, the future mom may have protein in the urine. In this case, the doctor should necessarily assess the degree of functional disorders that have occurred. The decrease in protein in the female body during the third trimester of pregnancy may be due to dangerous pathologies.

Treatment methods

You can get rid of edema through a special diet and correction of the day regimen. However, in some cases these measures are not enough. In this case, doctors prescribe medicines that reduce the level of fluid inside the body.

It is important to remember that such drugs are prescribed only by a specialist, and their uncontrolled intake can be very dangerous and cause electrolyte disturbances. Selection of dosage, treatment regimen and duration of drug use is carried out individually.

When the edema appears on the body of the future mother, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of salty foods. It is better to cook food without adding table salt. Salt dishes should be already on the plate. Women who suffer from high blood pressure in the face of edema should not consume more than 5 grams of sodium chloride per day. From chips, crackers, canned and pickled products they should be abandoned.

To normalize the water balance in the body, the expectant mother should drink at least a liter of fluid per day. It should be noted that in some cases the volume of water may be lower. Usually such recommendations are given to women suffering from severe chronic kidney disease or having cardiovascular insufficiency.

Some herbs have an excellent diuretic (diuretic) effect. So, during pregnancy can be appointed cowberry leaves. They can be brewed in the form of tea. Expect to drink this drink to expectant mothers 2-3 times a day. It is possible to reduce the manifestation of puffiness with the help of fruit drinks. They can be made from cranberries or lingonberries. When preparing berry fruit drinks, they should not be overly sweetened.

Many mothers who have edema, begin to strongly protect themselves from various physical exercises. This is not entirely true. Proper physical activity must necessarily be present. Regular walks in the fresh air will have a positive effect on the entire female body, and will also help reduce edema.

If the future mother's edema appears predominantly on her feet, morning exercise will help her. To do it better in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Elevating the legs up will help to normalize the venous outflow and reduce the manifestations of edema. Do such exercises better every morning.

Expectant mothers suffering from edema, it is very important to choose the right shoes. Heel shoes are best left for the period after the birth of the baby. Shoes should be comfortable and not squeeze the foot. Wearing boots should not cause swelling on the shins. Incorrectly chosen shoes contribute to the violation of the venous outflow on the legs, which leads to the appearance of edema.

About what to do with swelling in the 37th week of pregnancy, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


