Features of the use of hematogen during pregnancy


The body of a pregnant woman is experiencing increased stress, so it needs a large amount of vitamin compounds, proteins and trace elements. Because of their shortage, many expectant mothers develop anemia, in which hemoglobin levels decrease. It is dangerous for the fetus, because this protein is responsible for the transport of oxygen.

To prevent the deficiency of iron and amino acids, many doctors advise to periodically use Hematogen. However, while waiting for the child, the use of this delicacy requires caution and control by the doctor.

Product Description

The bar known to everyone since childhood, which looks like an iris in appearance and structure, is in fact not a dessert at all. It is a dietary supplement, serving as a valuable source of protein and iron. The tool began to produce from the blood of animals (mainly the blood of bulls) at the beginning of the last century. The name of the product determines its effective action in blood diseases, provoked by a lack of iron. Translated from the Greek, it means "giving birth to blood."

Now produce several types of "Hematogen", and the name of the product is different from different manufacturers. Pharmacies and stores sell "Children's Hematogen", "Hematogen C", "Ferrohematogen", "Hematogen Classic", "Hematogen Forte" and so on. All of these additives resemble each other externally and are represented by dark brown tiles, divided into "squares". They are sweet, but the taste of this "chocolate" is a bit peculiar. Due to the large number of red blood cells, the product acquires a characteristic dark color. In one tile there are 6 or 10 "squares", and its weight is usually 30 or 50 grams.

The blood, which is used for the manufacture of "Hematogen", is being cleaned and dried. It is rich in amino acids, vitamins, hemoglobin, carbohydrates and fats. The result of blood processing is black food albumin - this is the name of the main ingredient of all types of “Hematogen”, contained in a qualitative supplement in the amount of 4-5%.

To make the taste of the tile pleasant, dried blood is combined with honey, sugar, molasses, condensed milk and other sweet fillers. Some manufacturers also add nuts, coconut, chocolate, dried fruit and other ingredients to Hematogen. Sometimes it is additionally enriched with a vitamin complex or individual vitamins, for example, ascorbic acid.

Beneficial features

The use of "Hematogen" stimulates the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells, and also capable of:

  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • positive effect on vision;
  • fill the shortage of minerals, amino acids and vitamins;
  • improve the performance of the digestive tract;
  • normalize appetite;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Such properties of the product are associated with the presence of dried red blood cells. They are rich in iron, which, after absorption in the patient's intestine, is transferred to the blood-forming organs and takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin. This is what causes the popularity of "Hematogen" at risk of iron deficiency anemia.

Due to its inclusion in the diet, judging by the reviews, symptoms of anemia such as apathy, fatigue, pallor of the skin, frequent colds, dizziness, poor performance and others, decrease or disappear.

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Is pregnant allowed?

Although the benefits of Hematogen are confirmed by many years of experience in its use, such sweet tiles should not be used uncontrollably. Special attention should be paid to the period when the baby is born, so during pregnancy the use of Hematogen should be coordinated with the doctor who monitors the health of the expectant mother. He will determine whether this delicacy will cause harm.

The use of "Hematogen" in pregnancy in 1, 2 or 3 trimesters helps to prevent the development of anemia and raise hemoglobin.

Such product:

  • prevents hypoxia in the fetus;
  • acts as a source of nutrients that are important for the development of the infant;
  • reduces the harm of early toxicosis;
  • lowers the risk of premature baby birth;
  • improves the appetite of the future mother;
  • increases the resistance of a woman's body to attacks of viruses and microbes.

Doctors advise you to include "Hematogen" in the menu of a pregnant woman, if she eats inferior, for example, does not tolerate any foods, suffers from morning sickness or prefers certain foods.

This supplement is prescribed if a woman's blood test showed a slight decrease in hemoglobin level (if hemoglobin is very low, a woman should take iron supplements).

Another reason for receiving "Hematogen" can be frequent bleeding. Such a product is also shown in cases of severe dryness of the skin, since “Hematogen” is rich in vitamin A. If the expectant mother suffered from acute respiratory viral infections, the supplement will help to recover quickly after the disease.


Although “Hematogen” tastes like candy, it’s not just a sweetness, but an active agent on the body, for which There are some limitations.

  • Hematogen is contraindicated for women with varicose veins and high risk of blood clots.. With increased blood viscosity, its use will be unsafe for the expectant mother, and for the health of the baby in the stomach.
  • Such a biological additive not recommended for calcium problemswhen expectant mother is prescribed calcium supplements. This is due to the ability of calcium to reduce the absorption of iron.
  • Use of "Hematogen" prohibited when hypersensitive to any tile ingredient. To exclude a negative reaction, when you buy it, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition on the wrapper.
  • "Hematogen" should not be included in the diet of women with extra pounds. If the expectant mother quickly gains weight, it is desirable to refuse such a useful treat, because he has a rather high energy value.
  • Due to the presence of carbohydrates "Hematogen" is also prohibited for patients with diabetes. It can not be used with different hereditary pathologies of carbohydrate metabolism.

Possible harm

Due to the active formation of red blood cells due to the intake of "Hematogen", the blood of the expectant mother can become thicker, which is fraught with slower blood circulation and the occurrence of blood clots. Due to poor blood flow, the baby in the womb will receive less nutrients and oxygen, which will affect its development.

Another danger for a pregnant woman using Hematogen is the high risk of allergies. Since the basis of such a product is protein, its use can cause skin rashes, redness, itching and other signs of an allergic reaction. Adding honey, nuts and other allergenic components to the composition also increases the likelihood of negative symptoms.

Some future moms after taking "Hematogen" increase the fermentation processes in the intestine, which causes nausea, diarrhea, heartburn and bloating. With such an individual reaction, the use of the remedy must be stopped.

How to use?

To reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences due to taking "Hematogen", The future mother must follow certain rules.

  • You can eat a maximum of 50 grams of Hematogen per day, dividing that amount into 2-3 doses.. If a pregnant woman takes any vitamin complexes, then the dose of “Hematogen” should be clarified with a doctor, so as not to cause an overload of the body with iron.
  • Permanent reception of "Hematogen" is not recommended. To reduce the risk of anemia, it is advised to use it for 2-3 weeks, then pause. Excess doses of this product can lead to abdominal pain, discoloration of stool, nausea, weakness, constipation and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • To better absorb nutrients Eat "Hematogen" is necessary between meals. So the components of the tile will not interfere with the digestion of dairy and other products. If the additive seems expectant mother too sweet, you can drink it with water or tea.
  • To buy "Hematogen" for a pregnant woman is preferable in the pharmacy. Products sold in regular stores often do not contain enough albumin, so their quality is lower.
  • Before use prescribed by the doctor number of "squares" need to make sure the additive is not expired. To do this, find the expiration date on the wrapper.
  • If the expectant mother takes any other medications, it is advisable to discuss the use of “Hematogen” with your doctor.. This delicacy is incompatible not only with multivitamin supplements and calcium supplements, but also with many other medicines. Among them note diuretic and cardiac drugs, as well as some painkillers and antibiotics.

What to replace?

If, for some reason, the intake of "Hematogen" is contraindicated, you can increase the flow of iron into the body with the help of food products that are rich in this element. The future mother should include veal, halva, liver, rabbit, dogrose, various greens, pumpkin, dried fruits, walnuts, pomegranate, buckwheat, natural cocoa in her menu.

If nutritional correction did not help get rid of anemia, the doctor will select a suitable iron product for the future mother, for example, Maltofer, Tardiferon or Sorbifer Durules. Such drugs are allowed while the baby is waiting, but must be prescribed by a specialist.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


