4 week of pregnancy: discharge and pain in the lower abdomen


The fourth week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance in the future mother of the first changes in her state of health. The baby is still very tiny, but its active development in my mother's stomach contributes to the appearance of her specific symptoms.


Doctors refer 4 week to the first trimester of pregnancy. At this time, the first specific changes begin to occur in the female body. The presence of a small embryo in the uterus already contributes to a change in the hormonal background of his mother.

To determine the age of the baby during its embryonic development, specialists use a special counting system. It includes obstetric weeks and months. This method is different from the calendar, which is mainly used by future mothers. The fourth obstetric week corresponds to the second week of fertilization.

Calculate the duration of pregnancy
Enter the first day of the last menstrual period.

Types of vaginal discharge

At the initial stage of carrying a baby, the concentration of female sex hormones begins to change. Nature came up with this so that the embryonic development of the child proceeded as it should. Changes in the hormonal background contribute to changes in the physiology of the female genital organs.

The emergence of a specific secret from the vagina is also an important clinical feature characteristic of this gestational age. Vaginal discharge can be very different in color, volume and density.


In the fourth week, the woman is waiting for the appearance of monthly menstruation and, as a rule, does not suspect at all that she is pregnant. That is why the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract does not cause her any concern. Many women can even confuse them with the "arrival" of menstruation.

If bleeding appeared with a slight delay, then the expectant mother begins to suspect that she is expecting a baby. In this case, she goes to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test.

During the first weeks of pregnancy, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood increases. Pregnancy tests, which are sold in pharmacies, are based on the determination of this substance in the urine. In the fourth week, such a test will show a positive result.

At this stage of pregnancy, some women may appear specific bleeding, resembling menstrual. Their color can be from pinkish to crimson. Such secretions are not usually abundant.

Gynecologists note that such specific secretions are genetic in nature. A pregnant woman should ask her mother if she has the same symptoms during pregnancy. If such a fact is present, the woman should definitely warn her obstetrician-gynecologist about this.

Under various conditions, a "daub" from the genital tract may develop. These symptoms may be preceded by physiological causes. The appearance of bloody spotting in this case contribute to the specific pregnancy hormones.

Abundant blood vaginal discharge may be a clinical symptom of various reproductive organ pathologies. For example, pink and red discharge may be a manifestation of inflammatory diseases of the cervix.

Traumatizing the delicate mucous membrane can also cause bloody discharge from the genital tract. Some women note that after having sex in their underwear, they notice small stains of blood. Conducting sex in the normal course of pregnancy is not worth limiting to couples.

If a woman has any diseases of the reproductive organs, then in this case, it is better to discuss the possibility of having sex at this stage of pregnancy with her doctor.

In order to distinguish the norm from pathology, a clinical examination is required on a gynecological chair. During this examination, the doctor determines the state of the reproductive organs, and also reveals all signs of pregnancy.

Abundant bleeding is a very unfavorable clinical sign. If a woman has a lot of blood from the genital tract, then this may be a manifestation of the onset of spontaneous abortion. As a rule, this symptom is accompanied by the development of pronounced pain syndrome in the lower abdomen. When these clinical signs appear, the expectant mother should immediately seek medical attention.


Discharge from the genital tract may be dark in color. Physiological causes can also lead to the development of this symptom. The changing hormonal background contributes to the fact that the expectant mother appears light brown discharge.

In the normal course of pregnancy at this time, they do not have a fetid odor and stand out in small quantities. At the same time, there is no pain in the lower abdomen. The general state of health does not change. If, against the background of the appearance of such secretions, the expectant mother has a pulling pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, then she should immediately contact her obstetrician-gynecologist

These clinical signs may be a manifestation of the onset of spontaneous miscarriage. In this situation, a mandatory clinical examination by a doctor is required.


In most cases, the vaginal discharge from the expectant mother at this stage of pregnancy is transparent. They can also be light or beige. The smell of such secretions, as a rule, no, or it is quite insignificant. The volume of such secretions from the genital tract is different.

During pregnancy it is very important to monitor the hygiene of the external genital organs.. To do this, a woman should only follow all the recommendations of her doctor.

Underwear is better to choose from natural fabrics. Products made of synthetics contribute to the violation of pH in the intimate zone and increase the likelihood of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.


Yellowish fetid vaginal discharge is often a manifestation of the onset of a bacterial infection. Such pathologies, as a rule, are accompanied by a worsening of the general well-being of the future mother. So, she may have a fever and lower abdomen.

With the appearance of yellow discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, the expectant mother should always consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. The severity of adverse symptoms depends largely on the intensity and severity of the onset of the inflammatory process. Allocations can be both scanty and abundant.

To clarify the arisen condition, the doctor must take a smear from the vagina and send it to the laboratory for bacteriological examination. Such a study will accurately identify the pathogenic microflora that caused bacterial inflammation in the genital tract.

After determining the cause of the infectious disease, the gynecologist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment to the expectant mother.In order to normalize the vaginal microflora and eliminate pathogenic microflora, a specialist will prescribe antimicrobial drugs to the expectant mother. You cannot use these medicines uncontrollably.

Some of the antibacterial agents may have an adverse effect on the fetus. There are certain medical indications for their purpose, so only an experienced doctor should prescribe them. When conducting antibacterial treatment necessarily carried out effectiveness monitoring. To do this, the doctor will definitely appoint a future mom a repeated smear and complete blood count.

White Cheesy

The appearance of such vaginal discharge is usually a sign of candidiasis that has begun. Candida fungi play an active role in the development of this disease. Reduced immunity in the organs of the intimate zone contributes to their active growth and development.

A characteristic feature of this pathology is a cheesy vaginal discharge, which in most cases is accompanied by the development of itching. Itching can be quite strong and significantly disrupt the habitual lifestyle of a pregnant woman.

When symptoms of candidiasis appear, it is very important to start treatment immediately. To do this, use funds that have a predominantly local effect.

In the choice of treatment, specialists give preference to drugs that have a detrimental effect on yeast-like Candida fungi, and do not adversely affect the fetus.

Abdominal changes and sensations

The future mom “writes off” many of the subjective sensations that arise to the premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Indeed, to some extent these manifestations are similar. Often, a woman in this short period simply does not realize that she is already waiting for the baby.

In some cases, the expectant mother may appear pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. They can be caused by both physiological and pathological causes.

BUTThe keen growth of the baby in the womb contributes to the fact that the expectant mother has aching and tingles in the lower abdomen. This symptom can occur at any time of the day. The severity of this manifestation may be very different. Some women who have already become mothers, note that at this stage of pregnancy did not feel any discomfort.

Pathological course of pregnancy, leading to its spontaneous interruption, may be accompanied by the appearance of spasmodic contractions in the lower third of the abdomen. Typically, these symptoms occur suddenly against the background of complete well-being of women.

In this situation it is very important to provide timely medical care.

Changes in the hormonal background can exacerbate some of the chronic diseases that the expectant mother suffers from. Thus, a pregnant woman may feel that her ovary is hurt or tingling on the right or left side. Usually this symptom manifests itself in expectant mothers with neoplasms or various ovarian cysts.

A slight soreness in the lower abdomen may be present in all pregnant women. It is unfavorable if this symptom begins to progress.

If the abdominal pain increases and worsens the future mother's general state of health, then she should immediately seek medical help.

In this case, the doctor may recommend a transvaginal ultrasound scan for her. This examination may be necessary to rule out comorbidities that could lead to the appearance of these adverse symptoms in a pregnant woman.

On why the stomach hurts in early pregnancy, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


