Diet for child poisoning


Food poisoning in children under 7 years of age is one of the most frequent diagnoses of district pediatricians. Every day, every pediatric doctor on his site registers at least three children with suspected food poisoning. Treatment involves making the right diet and prescribing medications.


Usually, food poisoning in children occurs after the ingestion of pathogens. They cause a strong inflammatory process. During the illness, many toxins are formed, which are very dangerous for the children's body.

The occurrence of eating disorders provoke the following microorganisms:

  • Salmonella. It is the most common cause of eating disorders in children under 5 years of age. May get into the body through dirty hands. Very often, children are infected in the kindergarten or after the sandbox. Severe fever as well as diarrhea occur quickly. The kid suffers from vomiting, severe abdominal pain.
  • Staphylococcus. Usually ill children aged 2-3 years. You can get sick through dirty hands or after eating poorly washed fruits. Characterized by the rapid development of the disease. The child has severe diarrhea, the temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees. There is a strong thirst.
  • Streptococcus. He becomes the cause of poisoning much less. The symptoms of this disease is very similar to staphylococcal infection. May require antibiotics.
  • Enterococci and mushrooms. Often they cause poisoning in weak children, as well as in those who suffer from oncological diseases. May occur in children with reduced immunity.

Not only microorganisms can cause food poisoning in babies.

Often the cause may be the child’s reaction to an unfamiliar, poor-quality product (for example, seafood or tropical plants). Be careful not to give your child unfamiliar products brought from other countries.

The digestive system of the baby is not yet ready to meet them. This can provoke acute food poisoning, which will require urgent medical attention.

Poisoning can also cause any chemical fluids. If the child accidentally drank the medicines you left behind, call the ambulance immediately! In this case, immediate gastric lavage is required.

Signs and symptoms

Often the first sign of departure is nausea, as well as repeated vomiting. The baby cries, refuses to eat. Small children can push the legs to the stomach. They seem to show that there is restless, the stomach hurts.

When poisoning, the child becomes capricious, it may even scream. An increase in symptoms quickly leads to fever. It can dramatically rise to 39 degrees and higher in a few hours. When food poisoning in children intoxication symptoms occur rapidly. There is a headache, severe weakness. The kid does not play with toys, he is very sleepy.

After a while, the main symptom of food poisoning appears: liquid, watery stools. If the poisoning caused the entry of microorganisms, then diarrhea becomes debilitating. Sometimes kaloupuskanie performed 5-7 times a day. In a more serious condition of the baby - up to 10 times. In such cases, required prescription medication and special drinking, which restores lost salts with vitamins and liquid.The body after frequent stool quickly dehydrated. The skin of the child becomes dry, lips dry.

If the child lies in the crib, he cannot get up; at this stage of the development of the disease, it is necessary to urgently call a pediatrician or an ambulance.

Rules of nutrition after food poisoning

  1. Power should be fractional. This will contribute to better digestion of food and a more rapid restoration of the functions of the child’s body.
  2. On the first day after poisoning, it is better to reduce the amount of all food exactly half. The main thing at this time is to give the baby more liquid. Dr. Komarovsky recommends “drinking out” of children on the first day of illness. It is better to give boiled warm water. Not very sweet fruit drinks or compotes are also suitable. The stronger and more abundant the child loose stools, the more he needs to give water.
  3. After the exacerbation subsides (for 3-5 days), you can gradually return to the usual diet for the child.
  4. All food should be warm, but not burn. Excessively hot food is not allowed. This may cause additional irritation of the inflamed stomach. In the first two days you can feed the baby broth. From the third day allowed low-fat vegetable soups with meat.
  5. Vegetable and butter are limited to 1 teaspoon per day.
  6. Do not feed the baby by force! At high temperatures, children refuse to eat. This is a manifestation of the body's defensive reaction. Do not feed it in! At this time, enough water.
  7. Cook food in a gentle way. It is better to boil or stew. In the first days after poisoning food is better chopped. So she quickly digested.

What foods can I eat?

For infants, the answer is one: mother's milk. It is an excellent natural source of nutrition, and also contains all the necessary substances for the restoration of the child's body.

Older babies should limit their lures, also giving preference to breast milk. After improving well-being, you can expand the diet of familiar foods for feeding.

When food poisoning, you can eat the following products:

  • Heat-treated vegetables. Beets, carrots, potatoes and cauliflower are preferred. It is strictly forbidden to pickle and fresh cabbage, tomatoes, as well as all vegetables that contain a lot of coarse fiber.
  • Baked fruit. It is better to choose apples or pears. They can be entered into the diet for 3-4 days after poisoning.
  • Dried fruits compote. With strong diarrhea avoid prunes.
  • Kashi. Preference should be given to buckwheat, oatmeal and rice porridge. They will make the baby full and energetic, he will be able to fight the disease without any problems.
  • Lean meat Choose a chicken, you can also turkey. On days 5-6, the addition of veal or rabbit is allowed. Pork is better to exclude
  • Dried wheat crackers. Pay attention that they are not salty.
  • Sea lean fish. You can cook fish meatballs or dumplings.
  • Not very fat fermented milk products. They are usually resolved one week after the onset of the disease.

What products should not be given?

  • Immediately after the onset of the disease, cow's milk should be excluded. It greatly accelerates the movement of food through the children's intestines, contributing to increased diarrhea. It can also provoke and strengthen fermentation processes in the intestine.
  • All spicy vegetables (radish, radish, onion, garlic) are also excluded. They have a burning effect. Oranges and tangerines are quite acidic, they can also damage the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Products that increase gas formation should not be given to a child who has suffered a poisoning. These include legumes, grapes, cabbage, plums, black or bran bread.


  • On the first day after food poisoning, it is recommended to limit food. For babies it is better to exclude 1-2 breastfeeding. Fasting in this case is completely unacceptable! Babies who receive lures, should be limited to fruit and vegetable puree.
  • It is better to choose buckwheat porridge, diluted with boiled water and mother's milk. With severe diarrhea, you can also choose rice porridge. It can reduce diarrhea. Vegetable puree are introduced only after 2-3 days. For 3-4 days you can add meat lure. In a week fruit and berry mashed potatoes are added.
  • Fermented milk products and curds are introduced last. Pay attention to the shelf life of dairy products. Stale yogurts can easily cause re-food poisoning in a child.
  • For children from the year during the acute period of poisoning, all products of the “common table” should be excluded. In the diet, buckwheat and rice porridge are preferred. You can also cook oatmealby adding milk with water (the ratio is one to two).
  • On the second day, you can cook low-fat chicken broth with crackers. The vegetables in the first 3 days are recommended mashed boiled carrots, mashed potatoes.
  • All dairy products can be included in the diet of the baby in 7-10 days. Usually they are prescribed after the exacerbation subsides. They restore the normal intestinal microflora, which is needed to strengthen the child’s immunity.

What is the best way to prepare food for the baby?

  • For faster recovery after food poisoning, doctors recommend eating food in a fairly liquid or semi-liquid form. Food should be cooked. In the first three days, eating raw vegetables is prohibited. They can increase diarrhea and manifestations of poisoning.
  • All dishes are best cooked in a gentle way. They can be stewed, boiled, baked or steamed. Fried food in the acute period is not allowed. All sharp and acidic foods are also excluded. They can negatively affect the tender, inflamed mucous of the stomach and intestines.
  • To taste dishes should be neutral, and not have a pronounced taste.. Spices do not apply. When cooking dishes moderately salted. In compotes and fruit drinks, you can add a little sugar.
  • Kashi better to boil dry. In the first days after poisoning, it is recommended to choose flakes, rather than whole grains. They are softer and do not require active chewing. Such food is easily absorbed without scratching the intestinal wall.
  • For soups, choose lean meat or fish. If boiling produces a lot of white foam, be sure to drain it. After cooking, wheat crackers or heavily boiled vegetables and cereals are added to the broth.
  • Any meat or fish is better chopped. You can scroll the mince several times in a meat grinder with a fine grate or use a blender. A piece of wheat bread soaked in water is added to the resulting mince, then it is mixed with an egg. This is an excellent basis for making quelles or souffles. They are steamed or baked in the oven.

Recommendations for parents

  • Parents should remember that if you suspect food poisoning, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible. Specialists of the medical team will be able to make an accurate and timely diagnosis. Delay in food poisoning is very dangerous. Symptoms of intoxication are growing rapidly. With a body temperature of 39 degrees or higher, emergency hospitalization may be required.
  • If the child is poisoned with a chemical fluid, doctors will do an artificial gastric lavage. This will help save the baby's life from dangerous toxins.
  • After the child has been examined by the doctor and the diagnosis has been established, the parents should consider the menu for the entire period of treatment. Often, taking enterosorbents is required. It may be activated carbon, "Smecta», «Enterosgel" and much more. Such drugs are prescribed by the doctor.
  • If a child has vomiting or diarrhea, a pediatrician may prescribe a special treatment. It is called oral rehydration. Medical solutions that contain electrolytes, salts, water and glucose are assigned to the child. They help to normalize the water balance and promote rapid recovery.
  • Accurately follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Do not forget to feed the child every hour. The more often a child suffers from vomiting, diarrhea, the more water he needs to be given. This will prevent the onset of dehydration.
  • Pay attention to body temperature. For 2-3 days, it must necessarily decrease. If you take all the necessary measures, and the temperature does not drop, be sure to call a doctor! It is possible that correction of treatment and even prescription of antibiotics are required.
  • Diet in food poisoning should be based primarily on what symptom prevailed during the development of the disease: diarrhea, vomiting, or both. All food should have a healing and regenerating effect on the damaged organs of the gastrointestinal tract. When food poisoning is very important compliance with the drinking regime. All these measures in the complex will quickly restore the body of the baby after poisoning.

Recommendations for diet in children with poisoning - in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


