Dr. Komarovsky about massage


Most parents believe that all children, without exception, are useful and need a massage. But what and when - only a few know. Famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky talks about what types of massage are available, why and how they are done, and whether it is possible to cope with this task by yourself

What it is?

Massage is a healing and therapeutic procedure designed to activate the physiological processes in the tissues and muscles, improve blood supply. This method of treatment was described by the ancient physicians Avicenna and Hippocrates. And today it is difficult to imagine a comprehensive treatment without the recommendations of the doctor to make a massage. This is especially useful and pleasant procedure shown to children. For different diseases in babies, different types of massage are used.

Types of massage

Massage, depending on the reason for which he was appointed, is different:

  • Prophylactic;
  • Cosmetic;
  • Therapeutic;
  • Resuscitation;
  • Relaxing.

All types of massage, according to Dr. Komarovsky, are based on three modes of action - stroking (friction), pressure, vibration.

When does massage hurt?

Yevgeny Komarovsky receives thousands of letters in which parents write that their attending pediatrician strongly recommended a massage for a child under one year old, and even advised a specific masseuse. Moms and dads complain not about the fact that the services of such a masseuse are very expensive, but about the fact that the child screams the entire massage every day. Of course, there will be little benefit from such “wellness” procedures, says Yevgeny Komarovsky.

The child is crying because the touches of an outsider are unpleasant for him; perhaps, they bring him not only psychological discomfort, but also quite tangible pain. Whether to make such a massage further or not is up to the parents, but common sense dictates that there is no need to continue the torture.

If the pediatrician prescribed a massage, and you need to go to the clinic in it, sit in the queue with the child, put him at risk of contracting viral and other infections - it is also better to refuse such a massage. The whole health effect of the procedures will be canceled out by the first acute respiratory viral infection.

The best massage is the procedure that the mother performed with her own hands. Tactile contact with the mother is very important for the child of the first year of life, especially if the child is on bottle feeding. Therefore, it is important for parents to learn how to do health procedures (gymnastics, massage) on their own.

From infant colic

According to Dr. Komarovsky, this is a very effective way to relieve a child's condition with colic at a very early age. Massage the tummy of the baby should be strictly clockwise, without strong pressure, using mainly light strokes around the navel.

After the massage, it is advisable to lay the baby on the tummy for a few minutes in order to facilitate gas extraction. Massage should be warm hands. The number of sessions per day is not limited, you can do it before each feeding.

When coughing

When wet coughing, as well as at the final stage of the disease associated with the appearance of cough, when it is important for the child to quickly clear his throat, Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends vibrating massage. It is based on percussion effects - tapping.The infant’s baby is placed on the adult’s tummy with one hand, the tips of the fingers of the other hand gently knock the back around the bronchus, then repeat the same movements on the chest.

An older child should be placed on the knees, face down, so that the head is one level lower than the bottom. First, tap the back of your fingers with your fingertips, and then your chest. After that, the child is asked to take a vertical position and cough.

Drainage massage is not done in the acute period of the disease, while the child has a fever. Komarovsky recommends that you do a percussion massage no earlier than the fifth day after the onset of the disease.

Tonic for a good sleep

Evgeny Komarovsky recommends starting such a baby massage immediately after returning from the hospital. It is based on strokes. The child is nice and helpful. Starting from 2-3 months, strokes can add kneading the muscles of the arms, legs, back, and in 4 months, the child should receive a full massage every day before bathing, which will combine all three types of effects. If the mother is not lazy and will carry out such a procedure every day for 15-25 minutes, the child will be able to sleep soundly, he will have less problems with his appetite and mood.

To reduce muscle hypertonia

Such a massage is prescribed quite often, at least 9 out of 10 children, after compulsory examination by a neurologist at 3 months, receive such a recommendation. Yevgeny Komarovsky says that hypertonus of the legs and arms is peculiar to all children, without exception, usually it passes without any special manipulations by 4-5 months. Therefore, to massage or not - a question that remains at the discretion of the parents. It is necessary to do it with hypertonus only when the doctor not only said that the child has an increased tone, but also named a specific neurological diagnosis. Tonus itself is not such a diagnosis.

With cerebral palsy and other similar diseases, mothers should definitely learn the techniques of therapeutic massage. They are varied, and depending on the diagnosis (torticollis, cerebral palsy, flat-valgus feet, etc.), the doctor will prescribe different techniques and different duration of procedures.

With obstruction of the lacrimal canal

With this rather common disease in children (dacryocystitis), massage is the main method of conservative treatment. To do this, mom needs with her index fingers to grope a knob between the bridge of the nose and the eye. Lightly press down on the lacrimal sac (tubercle) and lower the finger down to the nose with a vibrating motion. Such a drainage massage contributes to the separation of stagnant tear fluid and the gradual full recovery of the child.


Measure the force of pressure, do not hurt the child. Komarovsky advises to test your strength in a very simple way - put your index finger on your own eyeball and begin to push. As it becomes painful - this is the ultimate power of pressing on baby skin.

Dry rubbing, if no oil or baby cream is used in the handling, may become a separate cause of baby crying during the procedure. Komarovsky advises necessarily use special tools that will make the impact on the skin of the baby pleasant. It is important that the oil for children up to one year of age be edible and odorless. Olive oil and peach oil are best suited for this purpose.

If the child gets out, tries to roll over, cries or falls asleep at all during the massage, the procedure should be stopped.

If you want to use the services of a professional massage therapist, it is important not to fall into the hands of scammers.

If you need medical procedures, the child has a definite diagnosis, you should definitely contact a specialist who will teach you to do all the tricks correctly.

If massage is needed for general strengthening, Komarovsky advises not to turn to masseurs for an ad, since any mother is able to do such manipulations herself.

What are the types of massage, when and to whom it is shown, what is its main purpose and are there any contraindications? All these questions will be answered by Dr. Komarovsky in the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


