Educational games Vyacheslav Voskobovicha


Buying toys for children in the modern world really hits the pocket of the family. I would like these costs not to be a waste of money to the wind, and this happens quite often. The child, having played a couple of days, forgets about the new toy, because it becomes uninteresting to him, annoying. Quite another thing - the purchase of educational games V. Voskobovicha. His games have many functions, will interest a child of different ages, with their help the child will create and fantasize.

A little bit about V. Voskobovich

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Voskobovich, receiving education in the specialty of engineer-physicist, did not even imagine that he would have to immerse himself in pedagogy. He had to do this for the upbringing and full development of his sons. In the beginning of the 90s, during the times of perestroika, there were very few quality games in the stores; not everyone could afford to buy them. Therefore, when he became a father, he thought about creating his own games that would be interesting not only for his sons, but also for their peers. The study of the works of Zaitsev and Nikitins helped him in this.

The games he created helped not only to diversify the pastime of children, but also contributed to their full development.

Voskobovich himself refers to his method of child development as technology. He made a great contribution to the pedagogy of this period, becoming an innovator in the times of perestroika. The author gave the name to his method "Fairy maze game."

After a short amount of time, the Center for Developing Games of Voskobovich is being created. It is there that games are developed and produced, and he also distributes and implements the methodology.

On the method of Voskobovich

Its technology is based on understanding and memorizing the theoretical knowledge obtained through practical actions, it is a special path from the practical part to the theory. Presently V. Voskobovich has developed more than 50 games. They are multifunctional creative aids. The child can learn with the help of them with fun and ease.

Games Voskobovicha promote the full development of personality. With their help, the process of learning to read and count runs smoothly and easily. In his methodology, the author is attentive to the development of children's creative abilities. To perform the proposed tasks, the child will need to take a creative approach and turn on the imagination.

Based on this, you can see that the technology is developed on 3 major principles: interest-knowledge-creativity.

The goals and objectives of his methodology are:

  • promote the development of the child's interest and desire to learn new things;
  • develop the ability to observe, explore the world;
  • to develop imagination, creative thinking (the ability to look at a familiar object with a completely different look, to think flexibly and in an original way);
  • a harmonious approach to the development of emotional, figurative thinking and logic in children;
  • assist in the development of mathematical and speech skills;
  • form initial ideas about the surrounding reality;
  • promote mental development;
  • develop fine motor skills.

What are the games

Vyacheslav Voskobovich says that he tries to get away from the production of games for one-time use, when the child collects, disassembles and cleans the game away. He seeks to create multifunctional games that will be creatively used by the child constantly.

Game Features

  1. Developed in accordance with the interests of the guys. They are engaged with pleasure. Kids are constantly discovering something new, previously unknown.
  2. Each game can be used by children of different ages, ranging from 2 to 7 years. For kids, simple tasks have been prepared, for older children, tasks are more complicated. The older the child, the higher the level of difficulty.
  3. Versatility and versatility. Each game involves the solution of many problems of learning, contributes to a comprehensive development children and creativity.
  4. The proposed finished didactic material is systematized by age and educational tasks.
  5. For many games, a methodological manual has been proposed, in which you can already take a finished fairytale story. with included tasks, illustrations and questions. This moment is key to Voskobovich technology. An adult will be a full partner of the baby, despite his age.
  6. High variability. Many tasks have been proposed for the games, starting with manipulation and ending with complex developmental exercises.

The value of fairy tales in games

In the first place when creating games Voskobovich put the interests of children. Knowing how little kids love fairy tales, he included them in his teaching aids. Reading the tale and helping the fairy-tale heroes, the children quietly move on to learning.

Together with the heroes of fairy tales, the wise raven Meter, the brave kid Geo, the cunning but rustic Vsus, the amusing magnolik, the spider Yuk, Netayuschie ice, Wonderful Flower and the bee. .

Purple forest is a sensorimotor environment for child development. It consists of different playing areas. In these zones, the characters teach children to play a variety of games, helps them in this tale.

How to play with a child

When purchasing a game, carefully read the instructions for it and follow all the rules.

Important stages of the game:

  • An adult needs to acquaint the child with fairy-tale characters, pick up exercises of a suitable degree of difficulty and arrange a game with the baby.
  • It is necessary to give children the opportunity to learn gaming techniques, acquire the necessary design skills, complete tasks.
  • Now, children can start an independent play activity, come up with tasks, design their forms and make schemes for them.

It is required to further promote the development of the child’s speech in play activities, since basically children do everything with their hands, and there is practically no interaction with the outside world. The child can comment on the action, re-tell the story of the tale, detail the options for performing fabulous tasks.

During the game it is necessary to arrange small physical minutes. Kids can not always sit quietly in one place, and games Voskobovicha, as a rule, require it. Therefore, you should start playing with your child for a very short time. 10 minutes is enough for a start. After this time, postpone the game. When the child is ready to continue, you can play with him again.

Have patience and approve the actions of the baby as often as possible, with him rejoice in his success and victories. Do not scold him in case of an error. The Voskobovich technology assumes that the child is surrounded by a relaxed atmosphere, which makes it possible to think creatively. During the game between the baby and the parent should reign partnership.

Pros and cons of Voskobovich technology

The children who regularly engaged in Voskobovich games have pronounced skills:

  • analyze information;
  • compare;
  • coping well with the orientation on the plane;
  • read and read;
  • distinguish and name geometric shapes;
  • recognize colors;
  • focus attention over a long period;
  • perform assigned tasks;
  • finish the job.

Children involved in this technique have very well developed memory and thinking, the ability to concentrate is at a high level.

One can call only one minus of this author's technology - it is not possible to make many aids with your own hands. They need to buy only in specialized stores. The cost of games is usually quite high.

Popular games of Voskobovich

Absolutely all games Voskobovicha have their own direction in the development of the child.

Consider more. With most of the games presented below, you can get acquainted by watching short videos at the end of the manual description.


The manual contains 32 triangles of different colors. They are located at a set distance relative to each other and glued to the fabric base, which is perfectly bent. The game has 4 primary colors: red, yellow, blue, green. For kids up to 5 years old, a square of two colors is provided for the game, and for guys older square of 4 colors.

"Square Voskobovicha" easily transformed into different forms: an airplane, a turtle, a house and others. Forms are collected as flat and bulk. You can use ready-made schemes for assembly, or you can dream up and come up with your own image. Total addition schemes more than 100.

Entertaining fairy tale about the secrets of the crow Meter and materials that will be required in the process of the game, offered in the kit. Heroes such as Mom Trapeze, Dad Rectangle, Grandpa Quadrilateral, Pipsqueak Square help the children to cope with the proposed tasks.

The game can assist in the formation of a child:

  • the ability to look at the situation as a whole, not getting hung up on small details;
  • modeling ability;
  • a good level of development of orientation in space;
  • creativity, memory, attentiveness, diligence.

You can hear the names of this game, such as "Maple Leaf", "Solitaire", "Eternal Origami".

Game screen

The game allows you to save a lot of paper on drawing, passing mazes and performing other various tasks that require drawing.

Game screen consists of:

  • substrate - a sheet of laminated cardboard, on which the grid is drawn;
  • transparent plastic, paint on which water-based markers.

Between the sheets are fastened with a spring. Animals are drawn on the substrate in the corners. With their help, the baby is easier to navigate on the sheet. The lion lives in the upper left corner, the deer in the lower left corner, the peacock flaunts in the upper right corner, and the pony in the lower right corner.

With the help of the game you can:

  • just draw;
  • put a developmental aid under the plastic sheet and circle it (show the way through the maze, trace the outline, follow the paths);
  • can write graphic dictationsteaching the child to orientate on the plane, to depict figures, copy the image in the cells, to acquaint with the concept of symmetry, etc.

On sale you can find 3 variants of gamers:

  1. gaming game;
  2. a game controller with a blue water-based marker included;
  3. A blue game with a blue marker, and 5 bundled with it, it offers 5 handouts intended for children of different ages from 3 to 8 years old.

You can use fleece rags to remove the marker from the plastic sheet.

The undoubted advantages of a gamer will be its efficiency (tasks can be used repeatedly), variability (with one sheet you can solve several problems), self-control (the child will be able to see the error and take measures to correct it).


This game has received its recognition for being an excellent means of teaching young children to read.Playing, the children fold syllablesand then they add words from syllables.

Includes 12 cubes in the form of Teremka. In all the chambers there is a window or an arch for vowels. Separately proposed vowels are trunks. Funny artists, with names beginning with a vowel, will call the kid into their world. To get a syllable, the pussy must take the corresponding box-vowel and put it in the window of a teremka. The resulting syllable must be sung. In the same way, the crumb will be familiar with the accent and soft and firm sign. For the games offered instruction, with a detailed description of their progress.

Playing “Teremki”, children will be able to expand their vocabulary and develop their creative abilities. Also, the game will contribute to the successful development of the psyche of the child.


A very colorful playbook for games, will help with acquaintance of a child with vowels and consonants, will help to understand the principle of folding syllables. The manual is made like a book, the pages of which are decorated with bright pictures. Fairy-tale characters offer the kid to learn poems and sing songs.

A disc with all the songs is provided with a kit. The book uses the visual, tactile and auditory susceptibility of the child. It will have a positive impact on the development of children's attention, diligence, diligence, memory.

Miracle crosses

This puzzle has many functions and will contribute to the formation of initial mathematical ideas, fantasy, provides support to the child in its inventive manifestations.

The game looks like a frame with inserts that differ in shape and color. The geometric shapes used are assembled from separate parts. Such exercises are offered to the child at the first games. When the crumb begins to cope well with these exercises, they become more complicated. With the help of the proposed schemes, the baby will make various images of figures and objects. The "Album of Figures" presents clarity to the puzzle.

The game will help the child to get acquainted with the main colors, will contribute to the development of skills to compare and analyze, will form ideas about the whole and parts, will teach how to use the schemes.

Flashlights Form standards

The set offered "flashlights" - standards of various shapes and sizes. To the field of the game, made of carpet, they are fixed with tape. The field for the game can be positioned both horizontally and vertically.

The album, which is included in the package, offers various schemes for constructing figures. You can work based on them, and you can express your imagination and come up with your own. The album is divided into themes: man, animals, butterflies and others. This is made for ease of use.

The benefit contributes to:

  • the development of inventive abilities and imagination;
  • child speech development;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • sensory development of the baby;
  • development of tactile susceptibility;
  • the development of mindfulness;
  • intellectual development;
  • development of mental processes;
  • memory development;
  • the development of mathematical skills: quantitative calculation, the concept of "more-less", spatial relationships, familiarity with geometric shapes;
  • development of the ability to design on the plane.

Wonderful honeycomb

The game, which is intended for children of different age range. It can be called a puzzle and a constructor. It is made in the form of a frame in which holes are made in the form of honeycombs. Each cell contains a selection of geometric shapes. The number of parts in all comb different. The colors are different too. In the red cell - one detail, green - two, orange - four, yellow and blue - five details. For example, a green cell consists of two trapezoids.

Small children can be offered to decompose the figures in color or shape, to assemble a puzzle. Ask him what the details are called, or tell him about it.You can ask him to build a tower or make a track, while expanding the cell by the number of parts.

For older guys, schemes are offered according to which they can build different shapes. They can dream up and put down their figures. The resulting shapes are used as a stencil: to circle and color. The heroes of the fairy tale miracle honeycomb are the bee Zhuzha and Karrchik. Together with them the guys travel and do various tasks.

The designer of "Miracle honeycomb" will develop in the crumbs:

  • logic;
  • the ability to find solutions to mathematical problems;
  • fine motor skills;
  • vision;

The game will acquaint children with geometric shapes, give an idea of ​​the concepts of "part and whole."


The field of this wonderful educational game is made up of squares of 3 * 3 cm. Below is a movable ruler, using which you can model a geometric shape or a composite. They are composed of 3 standard red figures (circle, triangle, square) and 6 green components. Composite figures, which are formed by combining the top and bottom of the reference, got their name from the similarities with the objects that they resemble (vase, fungus). Names can be seen in the instructions. You can offer the child himself to come up with a name.

Figures in horizontal and vertical rows are arranged in strict sequence. In the vertical rows, all the figures have the same top (tops), in the horizontal rows - the bottom (roots). With the help of a stud, located on all the figures, it is convenient to get them and put them back, both in molds and on other surfaces.

You can think up a lot of games with logo forms by yourself or use ready-made ones; you can use forms like stencils, create figurines, paint it and paint it.

The game develops logic, thought processes, memory, attentiveness, fine motor skills, fantasy.

Math Baskets

With this tool, the child can make a fabulous trip to the country of mathematics. The heroes of the game, the animal figures, will help the baby get comfortable in the world of counting and fix it, visit the numbers and find out their composition, compare the numbers and perform mathematical operations.

The child, together with his fabulous friends, collects liner mushrooms in the baskets. They organize competitions, who collected more mushrooms, and who less, together, think about how many mushrooms should be put in baskets to become the same. In total, the instruction describes 10 games that can be offered to a child.

Through the game develops fine motor skills. A child paints mushrooms, encircles and shades them.

This universal benefit is designed for children from 2 years old.

Cord Drowner

This manual is made in the form of a wooden plank with 27 through holes. The set also includes red, blue and green laces. The task of the baby is to use the provided schemes to thread the laces into the hole or wind them onto the fasteners. As a result, he gets a drawing or written word.

The tale "Philemon Cotterfield", which is based on the game, must be told to the kid beforehand. It is necessary to match the magician magic and dosochku, showing how to work.

With the help of the manual, you can conduct a graphic dictation that will speed up the child’s memorization of letters and numbers. Working with laces, the child will develop fine motor skills. Orientation in three rows of fasteners will contribute to the development of spatial thinking. At children attentiveness, memory develops, perseverance is developed.

Funny numbers

The game includes 10 bright colorful cards with numbers, made of cardboard, and detailed instructions. With the help of numbers in the form of animals, you can make a cognitive and exciting game called Digicirk from the boring process of learning math.

Not just a figure is drawn on all the cards, but the digital camera, for example, 1 is a hedgehog, 2 is a bunny ... Information that the child receives playfully with animal figures will be remembered much faster, because it will be based on specific images. To receive knowledge from concrete to abstract, for children it is necessary, so they assimilate them much faster.

The attached instructions describe many games with a digital circus that you can use to practice.

The digital circus will introduce the crumb to numbers, natural numbers, ordinal and quantitative value of a number. The kid will easily cope with the score within 10, learn to analyze, compare, compare and combine numbers. During the game, memory, thinking, attentiveness, fantasy, child speech will develop.


The name of the game is derived from the phrase "geometric contour". It represents a board on which plastic carnations are located. Color rezinochka and the detailed instruction are included in the package. The manual describes the unusual travels of fairy-tale characters through the forest, a meeting with the spider Uki and his colorful cobwebs. Children need to complete various tasks to help the heroes. Difficulty levels offered are different; an adult selects the right one for a particular child.

Children create patterns, fixing gum on studs according to schemes or inventing them themselves. You can draw tracks, geometric shapes, complex patterns, cobwebs.

When playing, the child will:

  • remember colors, shapes;
  • develop hand motor skills;
  • learn orientation on the coordinate system;
  • develop creativity;
  • learn to analyze and compare.

Ship "Plyuh-plyuh"

The manual is made in the form of a ship with five masts, which are located, increasing in height. The increase is indicated by numbers from 1 to 5 located at the base of the sailboat. Masts made of wooden slats. They put on multi-colored sails, sewn from a rough fabric.

At the heart of the game is a fairy tale about Captain Gus and sailor Frog. With them, the baby makes an amazing journey. During the adventures that await the characters, the child is offered various tasks. For example, fix the specified number of sails, decompose them in color and size.

The manual is multifunctional. This is a great replacement for the usual pyramid.

With his help:

  • the baby will define colors;
  • learn how to sort items, taking into account the number, color and size;
  • initial mathematical representations will be formed;
  • tactile susceptibility and fine motor skills will develop.

The “Splash-Splash” ship has a “Spray-Spray” brother. The main essence of the game with him is the same. The difference is that the “Spray-spray boat” is attached to the carpet, it has seven masts and velcro sails

Letter Designer

The manual is a plywood board with rubber bands attached to it. They perform the function of fixing the details of the letter. The kit includes 15 elements of different shapes for making letters.

The designer will help the kid in learning the alphabet. With it, you can lay out the graphic designation of each letter, rearranging it later in another. The child will be assisted by residents of the lilac forest, who really want to get the secrets of the magician Phillimon Cotterfield.

The manual will help the child:

  • in understanding how sound and letter are related,
  • in memorizing the graphic notation of letters,
  • in the development of fine motor skills and imagination.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


