Chickenpox in a child's mouth


Chickenpox is easily transmitted from sick children to healthy and manifested by fever, blistering rash and other symptoms of indisposition. In most cases, in childhood this infection is quite easy, and the rash is presented in a small amount and is only on the skin of the child. However, there is also a more severe course of varicella, and vesicles can appear on the mucous membranes, for example, in the oral cavity.

Since each mother has the risk of “meeting” chickenpox in her baby, information on what to do when there is a varicella in the mouth and how to deal with this infection is important for all parents.

Where do pimples arise in the mouth with chickenpox

The causative agent of chickenpox spreads through the air, falling on the mucous membranes of a healthy person. Then, within 7-21 days, the virus multiplies and accumulates in the child’s body, not showing itself. When this period, called the incubation period, ends, the disease manifests itself by fever, weakness, sore throat, aggravated appetite, and capricious behavior. Further, baby spots appear on the skin, which very quickly turn into bubbles.

The rash of chickenpox spreads very quickly and can be not only on the body, but also in the mouth

With moderate or severe course, mucous membranes are also covered with a rash.

In the oral cavity a bubble rash can be located:

  • In the language.
  • On the inner surface of the lips.
  • On a soft palate.
  • On the surface of the gums.
  • On a hard palate.
  • On the inner surface of the cheeks.

Look like rashes such as tiny vesicles that burst quickly enough and become ulcerated wounds. Gradually they tighten and heal, but the crusts at the same time, like a rash on the skin, are not covered.

Chickenpox rash can spread throughout the mouth, it all depends on the form of the disease.

What to do with a mouth rash

If you find a rash on chickenpox in the baby’s mouth, be sure to pay attention to this pediatrician, since such a rash is a sign of a more severe infection. The doctor should prescribe treatment, because pockmarks in the mouth cause considerable discomfort in children, interfering with swallowing and chewing. Sometimes babies with chickenpox in their mouth have to be hospitalized, especially if the rash continues to spread to new areas of the mucosa or becomes infected.

With severe varicella, a rash in the mouth can be very abundant.

How to treat chickenpox in the mouth

To the bubbles on the mucous membrane of the mouth less injured, the child is advised to give semi-liquid food. A good choice would be vegetable and chicken broths, pureed soups, milk cereals, yogurts, fruit purees. Sour, salty and sharp foods for the period of illness should be avoided, and the mouth after each meal should be rinsed with water or an antiseptic agent.

It is also recommended to increase the amount of drunk tiny liquids, since this will help to eliminate toxins from the body. Especially useful for children with chickenpox drinks, in which a lot of vitamin C, for example, berry juice or broth hips. Also, give your child clean water, weak tea, and unsweetened compote.

When the chickenpox rash in the child's mouth should more often water the baby

How to rinse your mouth

In order to ensure the disinfection of the oral mucosa and prevent the bacteria from getting into the ulcers, the child can rinse the mouth with such means:

  • Chamomile infusion. Pour a tablespoon of flowers of this plant with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and wait for the liquid to cool to room temperature, and then rinse.
  • Furatsilina solution. Take 200 ml of hot water and dissolve 2 tablets of furatsilin in it, and then cool the solution and use for rinsing.
  • Warm soda solution. To make such a tool, a glass of warm boiled water, use a teaspoon of soda.
  • An aqueous solution of boric acid. To prepare it, half a teaspoon of powder is stirred in a glass of boiled water.
  • Miramistin. This antiseptic preparation is used for one rinse in the amount of 10-15 ml, performing the procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • Pale pink potassium permanganate solution. In the boiled non-hot water, you should add several crystals of potassium permanganate and mix everything thoroughly so that the rinsing liquid is evenly colored.
  • Green tea. Brew tea and let it cool, then use to rinse.

What to process for faster healing

To the wounds on the oral mucosa, formed as a result of bubble rash in chicken pox, delayed faster and cause the child less discomfort, you should use:

  • Sea buckthorn oil. This tool will simultaneously soften and disinfect the affected mucosa.
  • Chlorophyllipt. Such a medicine based on eucalyptus extract has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Use the oil solution by gently lubricating the sores.
  • Calgel. Such a tool will help relieve wounds in the case of chickenpox in the mouth, and also suppresses the proliferation of bacteria, protecting the mucosa from infection.
  • Pasta Solcoseryl. After applying such a tool will provide protection of the mucous and activation of the recovery processes within 3-5 hours.

You will learn more about chicken pox from Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


