Causes of bleeding during pregnancy in the early stages: what to do?


The outflow of blood from the genital tract during carrying a baby is a very dangerous symptom, especially in the early stages. This clinical sign can be the first signal of the development of many pathologies.

What causes blood in pregnancy?

During its prenatal development, the fetus has a common blood flow system with the mother. This feature is laid by nature. In the first months of its development, the baby does not yet have its own blood vessels, which would provide his body with the necessary nutrients and oxygen. They will appear later.

At the beginning of pregnancy a very important process takes place in the embryo, which doctors call organogenesis. During it, the child begins to lay all the vital organs and systems. In this period even minor impacts can have very dangerous consequences. for its further growth and development.

In the normal course of pregnancy, bleeding from the genital tract of a woman should not be. The appearance of blood on underwear is a warning sign. In some cases, it may indicate the development of dangerous pathologies that may threaten the development of the embryo.

In the first weeks

The appearance of spotting bloody discharge at 4-5 weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus may indicate its successful implantation to the uterine wall. Usually at this time the woman may appear droplets of red blood on the linen. This symptom for many expectant mothers becomes truly frightening, as they are not aware of their new status.

6-7 weeks of pregnancy is usually the time of the first visit to the doctor. During this period, women stop menstruation, which leads her to consult a specialist. After the gynecological examination, the future mom may experience slight bleeding or separate blood clots. You should not be afraid of it. This symptom will disappear on its own in a couple of days. In this case, the doctors only recommend limiting exercise and rest.

After intercourse

The appearance of blood at 7-8 and subsequent weeks of pregnancy may be after intercourse. In this case, damage occurs to the vaginal mucosa, which leads to the appearance of a small amount of blood on the laundry. Many moms are afraid of this symptom. You should not be afraid of him. During pregnancy, you should only choose most sparing poses used during intercourse.

After transvaginal ultrasound

At 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, the first transvaginal ultrasound is usually performed. It is necessary to identify pathologies in both the developing baby and his mother. This study is conducted by appointment of an obstetrician-gynecologist, who observes a woman during the entire period of her pregnancy.

After this procedure, some women may also appear bleeding from the genital tract. It is usually negligible and disappears on its own in a few hours. In certain situations, ultrasound can be carried out earlier - at 9-10 weeks of pregnancy.

The appearance of drops of blood in underwear after transvaginal ultrasound is often an independent symptom. Usually, this condition proceeds without pain. The woman can only have a slight discomfort in the genital tract after the examination. It also disappears rather quickly in a few days.

Bubble skid

Cystic drift - pathology, also leading to the death of the fetus. It is characterized replacement of the embryo by the connective tissue. The reason for the development of this pathology, unfortunately, the researchers have not yet found. Threats to the life of a woman this state does not carry. The fruit perishes.

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous pathology, which is usually manifested by the development of severe bleeding. This pathology usually occurs in women during the first trimester of pregnancy. The extreme degree of this condition - the fallopian tubewhere the fertilized egg.

The beginning of the development of tubal pregnancy is almost no different from the normal, which flows in the uterus. The woman also becomes a positive chemotherapy test for HCG, there is a heaviness in the mammary glands and a change in mood occurs. All these signs are due to the changing hormones that begin to be produced after conception.

The peculiarity of this pathology is only in the fact that the embryo is not implanted in the uterine wall, but remains in the tube. This growth of the fetus is not provided by nature, therefore, has no further development. This leads to the fact that the woman runs a heavy bleeding, which leads to further miscarriage.

This condition usually causes the woman to have numerous adverse symptoms. Some patients even faint. The intensity of the pain syndrome can be very pronounced. To reduce the pain requires the introduction of painkillers, preferably parenterally.

Without timely hospitalization in this case is not enough. Delay in transportation to hospital can lead to the development of extremely dangerous complications. At the hospital, doctors remove all components of the ovum from the appendage. Quite often, the whole fallopian tube is removed.

Frozen Pregnancy

“Frozen” pregnancy is another pathological condition that can develop in early pregnancy. Quite often it appears on the second-the third month since the conception of the baby.

This pathology is characterized by the fact that the embryo under the influence of any reasons simply ceases to fully develop. This can be determined using special hormone tests, as well as during ultrasound.

When a woman stops having a pregnancy, the symptoms begin to change. She feels much less tenderness in the mammary glands. In some cases, she has pain in the abdomen, which only increases with time. This condition is also characterized by an increase in temperature. Usually its values ​​do not exceed 37.5 degrees.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is one of the most common pathologies in the female population. It can even occur in women who do not give birth. The most numerous factors lead to the development of this pathology.

Cervical erosion many Doctors try to treat before conception. Such therapy allows to achieve epithelialization of the mucous membranes and reduce the risk of possible complications during pregnancy. However, this is not always the case.

Many future moms will find out that they have this pathological condition only during pregnancy. In this case, any traumatic effects can contribute to the release of blood from the genital tract. These include: ultrasound, deep gynecological examination, sex, trauma, infection.

As a rule, doctors during pregnancy with cervical erosion are guided by expectant tactics, limiting the possibility of surgical treatment. If, however, it is impossible to do without such therapy, then it is carried out only under strict medical indications.


Polyposis occurs in women quite often. Many future mothers neglect the significance of the treatment of this pathology before pregnancy. This is absolutely wrong! The hormone-altered background promotes the growth of polyps, which can lead to their infection and even separation. Such situations, as a rule, are accompanied by bleeding.

Its severity depends on how large the detached formations were. Quite often, this pathology occurs at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy. Still, it is worth treating polyposis before pregnancy, since it is a rather lengthy process that requires mandatory time for rehabilitation.


Varicose dilatation is another pathology leading to the development of bleeding from the genital tract. Usually its severity is moderate.

This pathology is accompanied by the development of other reasons as well. In some women, varicose dilated nodes can also be seen on the legs. The rupture of the thin varicose wall of the uterine blood vessel and leads to the outflow of blood from the genital tract.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to the development of erosive pathologies. During exacerbation, they are accompanied by various types of bleeding.

During pregnancy significantly immunity decreases, which leads to the activation of many sexually transmitted diseases, as well as their rapid development. The treatment in this case is carried out in conjunction with the venereologist. Prescription medication may be necessary to eliminate the adverse symptoms.

Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion is another equally dangerous clinical situation. Usually it flows against the background of complete well-being. A woman has a strong pain syndrome, localized mainly in the lower third of the abdomen. The pain can also spread to the anal area, as well as to the hips. Pain syndrome, as a rule, intolerable. From pain a woman can moan, screaming.

If the bleeding is massive, then it may also faint or lose consciousness. The woman has a strong dizziness, the general weakness promptly accrues. In this case, emergency hospitalization is required.

Without removal of the ovum from the uterus in this case is not enough. This procedure is performed by gynecologists. After the operation, the woman is given recommendations and prescribed medications.


The intensity of the severity of clinical signs may be different. This largely depends on the situation that caused the development of bleeding. The degree of severity also determines the amount of blood lost.

There are a number of clinical situations in which losses become chronic. This usually happens if the woman has any diseases of the reproductive organs.

Many infectious pathologies and erosive processes occurring in the uterus, can also lead to the development of bleeding. In this case, blood accumulates between its layers and the future forming placenta. As a rule, in this situation, a woman notices only the appearance of drops of blood on the linen.

Persistent spotting causes her to develop an anemic condition, accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin. This condition adversely affects fetal fetal growth, and can also lead to the formation of a number of defects and developmental abnormalities in it.

Quite often it happens that bleeding from the genital tract begins in pregnant women after taking a bath or a hot shower. This leads to a strong expansion of blood vessels under the influence of high temperature.

Also, a variety of traumatic effects or intense physical exercise can trigger blood flow. Some women noted that they started bleeding from the vagina after lifting weights.

In some cases, the blood on the laundry appears when visiting the toilet. In this case, it is necessary to determine the source of bleeding. If the blood is excreted directly during urination, then the cause may be associated with pathologies of the kidneys or urinary tract. Often, exacerbation of chronic cystitis leads to the appearance of blood streaks in the urine.

Severe bleeding leads to severe anemization of the woman. It manifests itself even in changing its appearance. The skin becomes pale, cold to the touch. Lips turn blue. The area under the eyes and the nasolabial triangle area acquire a gray color.

A woman begins to feel increased heart rate. She gets harder to breathe. This is a manifestation of the lack of oxygen, which is caused by anemia due to severe blood loss.

With the death of the fetus in the womb in the abdomen, the woman has pain. Its intensity increases every minute. In some women, even taking painkillers and antispasmodics in this state does not lead to an improvement in well-being. The severity of the condition progresses with every minute.

Critical degree of development of disorders - loss of consciousness. Before this, a borderline disturbance is usually developed - a “clouding” of consciousness. The woman begins to feel dizzy, the sense of space is lost, the flies can flash before her eyes. Already with the onset of these symptoms, it is necessary to urgently call the ambulance team. Delay in such a situation is very dangerous.

What to do?

If a woman has gone blood from the genital tract - this is an absolute indication for seeking medical attention. As a rule, ambulance doctors suggest that all pregnant women be hospitalized. This should be done necessarily.

In the hospital, doctors will be able to determine the cause that led to the development of bleeding, and also be able to provide a full-fledged complex with all the necessary assistance.

The appearance of blood clots during pregnancy - This is an occasion for an unscheduled visit to your obstetrician-gynecologist. Pull with the advice should not be. It often happens that the future mom is simply afraid to consult a doctor, thereby aggravating the development of pathology.

It is important to remember that the complications of many pathological conditions can be prevented only by consulting a doctor in time.

At the onset of bleeding, it is very important to remain calm. Immediately you need to call the ambulance team. It is better to have someone close to the woman. This will allow her to be calmer and less nervous.

It is very important to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room. To do this, be sure to open the window or window.

In case of heavy bleeding, you need to put a regular pad in your underwear, which the woman uses during menstruation. Walking around the apartment is not worth it. It is better to lay a woman on a bed or sofa. The legs can be slightly raised.

Wash or shower at the start of bleeding should not be. Hot water can only intensify all the symptoms. If a woman has dryness and intense thirst, then you can offer her to drink water. It will improve her health a little.

Close relatives should prepare medical records before the ambulance arrives. You will need a passport, outpatient card and CHI policy. The arriving doctors are likely to offer the woman to be hospitalized due to the severe severity of her condition.

Only in case of non-dangerous pathologies a woman will be left at home. In this case, you should definitely visit your obstetrician-gynecologist the day after such an incident.

In the next video, you will learn whether bleeding is normal in early pregnancy.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


