Mildronate children


"Mildronat" is considered a drug that positively affects metabolism and performance. This tool has often been prescribed to athletes to increase stamina and strengthen the body, but more recently it has been added to the doping list. Now "Mildronat" is in demand mainly in cardiology, and it is also used for violations of the blood supply to the brain. Not everyone knows whether this medicine is permitted to children, which, if necessary, it can be replaced.

Release form and composition

Mildronat is presented in a pharmacy in two forms:

  • Capsules They have a white color and a dense gelatin shell. Such capsules are available in two different dosages and are sold for 20, 40 or 60 pieces per pack.
  • Ampoules with a solution for intravenous administration. It is colorless and transparent, poured into each ampoule of 5 ml. This medicine is also administered parabulbarno. One box contains 10 ampoules.

Each form of Mildronate as an active ingredient contains a substance called meldonium. It is presented in the form of dihydrate, in 1 ml of injectable medication with a dosage of 100 mg (500 mg in one ampoule), and in one capsule it can be either 250 or 500 mg. Additionally, only sterile water is present in the ampoules, and the capsules include Ca stearate, silica, gelatin, titanium dioxide, and potato starch.

Operating principle

Meldonium provides many positive effects. This connection:

  • Increases heart cell viability and protects them from adverse effects.
  • Reduces oxygen cell demand and reduces the negative effect of lack of oxygen on the tissue.
  • Protects and maintains vessel integrityand also contributes to their expansion.
  • It has a tonic effect on the body.
  • Supports cellular immunityhelping the body withstand virus attacks.
  • Helps to eliminate ischemia in the retina, myocardium or brain, improving blood flow to these organs.
  • Stimulates the elimination of toxic compounds from cellsby protecting them from damage.
  • Helps to transfer physical activity and quickly restore their own reserves.
  • Helps eliminate symptoms mental surge.


Mildronate is applied:

  • With heart failure, myocardial dystrophy, functional disorders of the heart, myocardial infarction, angina and other problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • With chronic bronchitis or bronchial asthma.
  • When circulatory disorders in the retina or in the brain.
  • When overworked, strong physical exertion, decreased performance, as well as after surgical treatment.

Are children prescribed?

As noted in the annotation to the ampoules and capsules of Mildronate, these drugs are not used in the treatment of patients younger than 18 years. The main reason is the lack of information about the effect of Meldonium on the children's body. If a doctor prescribes this medication as a teenager, he takes responsibility for himself, choosing the dosage and regimen of use individually.

Children under 12 years old "Mildronat" is contraindicated.


"Mildronat" can not be taken:

  • In case of intolerance to meldonium or any of the auxiliary ingredients of the capsules.
  • With increased intracranial pressure.

If the patient has a pathology of the kidneys or liver, the treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Side effects

Judging by the reviews - "Mildronat" extremely rarely provokes any negative reactions. However, in some patients, its use may lead to psychomotor agitation, severe weakness, tachycardia, an allergic reaction, dyspepsia, and other symptoms. If they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Instructions for use

The appropriate form of the drug, the single dose and the duration of Mildronate therapy are determined individually. For example, during physical overloads, the injection solution is injected into a vein once a day - 1 ampoule (for 10-14 days). For adolescents, the dosage of the drug is calculated by their weight, multiplying their body weight in kilograms by 12.5-25 mg meldonium.

More detailed instructions on the use of "Mildronat" you can learn in the next video.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy "Mildronata" in ampoules or capsules need a prescription from a doctor. The average price of 40 capsules is 300 rubles, and 10 ampoules - about 400 rubles. The shelf life of both forms is 4 years. Store the medication at home should be at a temperature of up to +25 degrees.


Any other medication from the group of metabolics with the same active ingredient can be a substitute - for example, Vazomag, Angiocardil, Meldonium Organika, Cardionate or Idrinol. They are all available in injectable form or in capsules. Drugs are allowed from 18 years of age.

If a younger patient needs treatment, a cardiologist, pediatrician or other specialist will recommend “Elkar», «Apilak», «Pantogam"," Korilip ","Glycine»And other medicines. They have a different composition and specific indications, so you should not choose an analogue without a doctor.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


