Cinaflan for children: instructions for use


With the manifestations of allergies and some other skin diseases, anti-inflammatory topical medications are used. One of these is the hormonal drug Sinaflan. It is presented in pharmacies in two forms - ointment and liniment. Is it possible to apply this drug on the skin of children, and in what cases such treatment is contraindicated?

Release form and composition

Ointment or liniment Sinaflan is produced by several pharmaceutical companies, including Nizhfarm, Altaivitamin, Biochemist and others. The drug in the form of ointment is a thick mass of yellowish color, placed in a tube or jar. Liniment has a more liquid texture and has a white and yellow color. One pack of ointment often contains 10 or 15 grams of the drug. Liniment is sold in tubes of 15 grams.

The main ingredient of both forms of this drug is called fluocinolone acetonide. Its concentration is 0.025%, that is, in 100 grams of ointment or liniment, such a substance is represented by a dose of 25 mg. Vaseline, nipagin, lanolin, propylene glycol and other compounds can be seen among the auxiliary components of the drug from different manufacturers.

Operating principle

The active substance "Sinaflana" is a glucocorticoid hormone that gives the drug the ability to reduce the inflammatory response by inhibiting the release of specific substances that support inflammation - mediators. After application to the skin, the drug prevents accumulation of neutrophils and interferes with the movement of macrophages, making the infiltration and granulation slow down. As a result of such processes, Sinaflana has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.


Ointment is prescribed for:

  • pruritus;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • toksidermii;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • diaper rash;
  • psoriasis;
  • limited neurodermatitis;
  • red lichen;
  • dyshidrosis of the hands;
  • hives;
  • exudative erythema;
  • otitis externa;
  • shallow burns;
  • insect bites;
  • discoid lupus erythematosus.
Atopic dermatitis
Dyshidrosis of the hands

From what age is prescribed?

"Sinaflan" is used in children very carefully, and up to the age of two is completely contraindicated.

If a medicine is required for a baby, for example, for a baby of 7 months, then alternatives allowed for such a small age are used instead.


Ointment is not used in children with:

  • hypersensitivity to any ingredient;
  • diaper rash;
  • pink acne;
  • chickenpox, herpes and other viral infections of the skin;
  • skin manifestations of tuberculosis or syphilis;
  • pyoderma and other bacterial skin infections;
  • a large number of psoriatic plaques;
  • fungal infection of the skin;
  • open wounds;
  • skin cancer;
  • nevi, hemangiomas, xanthomas or atheromas at the treatment site;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • erosive or ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

In addition, ointment or liniment is not recommended to treat the face.

Side effects

After treating the skin with “Sinaflan”, such negative symptoms as severe dryness, itching, burning sensation, pustules may appear.Prolonged use of the drug can lead to atrophic changes, affect hair growth and skin color, for example, provoke pigmentation or hair loss. If you use the ointment on large areas, it is possible its systemic action, for example, the drug will disrupt the adrenal glands, slow down the recovery process or cause gastritis.

Instructions for use

"Sinaflan" in children is used exclusively outwardly and under the supervision of a specialist. The drug is applied to cleansed skin in a small amount. To lubricate a large area of ​​skin in children or apply an occlusive dressing is impossible.

The treatment is performed 2-4 times a day, and the duration of use in children is advised to limit 5 days. In order not to provoke an overdose, the drug is often used in combination with children's cream.

How to apply a sinaflan, look in the following video.

Overdose and drug interactions

When treating the skin with too much ointment, it may cause burning and itching, as well as possible systemic side effects.

"Sinaflan" is compatible with antibacterial drugs, but reduces the effect of the use of diuretics, antiarrhythmic drugs, antihypertensive drugs and potassium drugs.

Since Sinaflana has an immunosuppressive effect, vaccination cannot be performed during its use.

Terms of sale and storage

"Sinaflan" is an affordable medication that is sold in most pharmacies and does not require a prescription from the doctor. The cost of medication is low, it ranges from 20 to 80 rubles, depending on the amount of ointment in the package and the manufacturer's company.

Storage of the drug is recommended at a temperature of up to +25 degrees (the optimal temperature is called + 12-15 degrees). Keep the medicine at home only in a dry place.

Shelf life ointment is 5 years, liniment - 2 years. It is usually marked on a tube or box from the outside. It is important to clarify it before starting treatment in order to eliminate the risk of using an expired product.


Buyers about "Sinaflan" speak mostly well, calling it an effective remedy for itching, rashes and other skin manifestations of allergies. At the same time, advantages include ease of use, economical consumption and low price.

The lack of medication is considered to be its hormonal nature, due to which the drug has many contraindications, is dangerous in overdose, and its effect decreases with time due to addiction.


If the use of “Sinaflana” is not possible, the doctor may recommend Another hormonal agent that is used topically:

  • «Akriderm». The basis of this drug is betamethasone. Under the supervision of a doctor, Acriderm ointment or cream is used in children older than a year.
  • Flucinere. The main component of such a means, as in Sinaflan, is fluocinolone acetonide. The drug is available in the form of a gel and ointment. It is allowed from 2 years.
  • «Advantan». This drug based on methylprednisolone aceponate is produced in the form of ointment, emulsion and cream. Children it is prescribed from 4 months.
  • «Elokom». The effect of this drug provides mometasone. The drug is represented by lotion, cream and ointment. Children can be prescribed from 2 years of age.
  • "Kutivate". The active ingredient of this drug is fluticasone. The drug is available in the form of ointment (it is prescribed for 6-month-old children and older) and cream (it is contraindicated for children under one year old).
  • Lokoid. This hydrocortisone ointment can be used in infants over six months old.

In addition, "Sinaflan" can be replaced and non-hormonal drugs, for example, «Sudokremom», «Elidel» or «Bepantenom».

But such tools are not considered to be full-fledged analogues of glucocorticoid ointments and creams, so their use should be coordinated with your doctor.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


