What is felinotherapy, its benefits for children


People often give birth to animals at home. Dogs, hamsters, parrots, ornamental rabbits - everyone chooses a friend for himself. Some even keep as pets of crocodiles, snakes, and especially desperate - lions and bears. Still, the leading position among the pets are cats. They are more unpretentious in the care and can normally exist even in a small apartment.

It is known that now such a trend in alternative medicine is very popular animal therapy or animal treatment. Many animals help people gain health and get rid of certain diseases. Can cats treat? Yes they can. Let's see how this happens.

What is felinotherapy?

Felinotherapy is communication with cats, treatment with their help, aimed at getting rid of a number of diseases or alleviating the symptoms.It is worth noting that this method is also a good prevention of some ailments.

Even in antiquity, the cat was treated very respectfully, it was classified as a god. Found tombs where people were buried along with these animals. They knew about the healing power of cats then - they know now.

From other methods of pet therapy (treatment with the help of pets), cat therapy is different in that there are no special exercises or a specific algorithm of actions. You simply let the "meow doctor" treat you. And he can do this in several ways.


Very useful and healing is the rumbling of the cat. The frequency of such sounds is 20-50 Hz. During their listening, all the protective functions of the body are triggered, immunity is produced and the person is less susceptible to colds in the future.

The speedy recovery is facilitated by the heat that comes from the cat. Her body temperature is three degrees higher than the human body temperature. Therefore, after it has lain on your sore spot, you will feel much easier.

The next therapeutic effect is energy. There is an opinion that the cat takes away all the negative energy and is divided into positive, and after talking with the animal you will be charged with positive and in a good mood.

A massage that a pet does with its paws is also very useful. The fact is that cats love to shift from paw to paw, releasing claws. This process resembles an acupuncture session.

Many probably noticed that when stroking cats on the fur, we can feel weak currents. Such low charge currents are also very useful, especially for people who have blood pressure problems.

Do not underestimate the psychological positive effect of communicating with the "four-legged doctor." After a hard day of work, you just have to stroke the purr, and fatigue evaporates, your mood improves.

Communication between a child and an animal is very significant. And for kids "special" it is generally necessary. After all, a cat, like any other animal, is a guide between the child and the outside world. The kid learns to communicate with the help of animals, he trusts them his secrets, becomes interested in others, becomes calmer and more balanced.

It must be said that not everyone agrees that the cat can actually perform all these functions. But scientists continue to work on these issues and prove their theories.


The scope of treatment with the help of cats is not as great as dogs, dolphins and horses, but nevertheless, felinotherapy can bring great benefit in the following diseases:

  • neurosis;
  • depression;
  • oncological diseases;
  • schizophrenia;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • hypertension;
  • some diseases of the digestive system;
  • autism;
  • trouble sleeping

It has been proven that in families where the “purring doctor” lives, people have better immunity. They are also less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, depression, diabetes, migraines, high blood pressure, insomnia. And, as a result, their lifespan is longer.

However, the cat will not be able to cure you completely, it can only alleviate the symptoms, for example, remove a toothache, but this is only a temporary effect. You still need to see a doctor.

Exceptions are psychological diseases - here a cat can significantly influence a situation, for example, save insomnia or depression. She can cope with nervous disorders.

The key to a good result in treatment is also a good attitude towards these animals.


You can not resort to treatment with feline therapy for people who are allergic to wool, open wounds on the body, severe forms of nervous disorders, negative attitudes towards cats.

What breeds are suitable for treatment?

There is no significant difference in which breed is an animal. Virtually any cat can help with healing. The main thing is that it should not be aggressive and go well with the person.

There is an opinion that different breeds and even colors are needed for different diseases:

  • It is believed that Siamese cats are well treat diseases of the genitourinary and digestive systems.
  • Longhair beauties, such as the Angora, Siberian and Persian breeds, help with nervous disorders, depression, insomnia. They also do well with radiculitis, joint diseases and cramps.
  • Representatives of the cat family of British and Russian blue breeds are most effectively used to combat diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Sphinx should lead to women who have gynecological problems.
  • The Maine Coon, currently a popular breed, is a good helper in the fight against nervous disorders. Even the case is known, as a cat of this breed quite successfully helps a little girl from England to fight with autism.
  • Black cats are well rid of neurosis.
  • White cats relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, relieve depression.
  • The representatives of the cat family with gray fur effectively fight various mental disorders and insomnia.
  • The animals of red color charge well with energy, give strength.
  • Multi-colored cats are well suited to normalize blood pressure.

Of course, such a distribution by colors and breeds is based on someone's observations and conclusions, but, most likely, it does not matter what color your pet is: the nature of the animal and temperament are much more important.

As for the sex of the animal, both cats and cats can be treated. The main thing is to keep their reproductive function. That is, the cat should not be sterilized, and the cat - neutered.

How are classes held?

Cats are not animals that can be made to do something. Therefore, katskoterapii sessions, are held when the "purr" wants it, and not when it is necessary for a person. But we must pay tribute to these animals - they come to the rescue when it is necessary.

The treatment process lasts from ten minutes to two hours. This time is enough to get the desired effect. It can be done daily, if necessary, once a week - there are no restrictions.


Felinotherapy is not carried out as directed and organized as other types of animotherapy.Therefore, it is not so often to hear feedback about this method of treatment, as, for example, about dolphin therapy, hippotherapy or canistherapy.

But still, people note, after communicating with a cat, an improvement in general physical condition, mood, a surge of strength and energy.

Many emphasize the fact that the cat always feels a sore spot in humans. One woman told the story of how her pet constantly lay on her neck when she had a sore throat, and the woman even scared at night, like something warm wrapped her up. But the sore throat really quickly passed.

Autistic children, whose cats live at home, are more open to communication than children with the same diagnosis, whose parents do not have animals.

Old men, especially single ones, often give birth to such a pet as a cat. They claim that the animal not only brightens their loneliness, but also helps them improve their health.

There is a category of people who do not recognize the effectiveness of feline therapy, does not believe that you can get results with the help of a cat, as, indeed, with the help of other animals. Most likely, they simply do not like them

You can learn more about feline therapy from the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


