At what age can you give plums to children and what to do if a child swallows a bone?


In the summer, mothers treat kids with fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, juicy plums, with pleasure. But before you first give the mashed plums to the baby, you should learn more about the benefits and possible damages of such a fruit, as well as about the optimal time for the introduction of plums in the lure and features of cooking plum puree.


Plums are the source ascorbic acid, B-group vitamins, tocopherol, nicotinic acid and vitamin K. They are also rich in minerals, in particular phosphorus and potassium. Useful substances in the plums are also pectins, organic acids, nitrogenous and tannins. All of them help in the development of the child's body and strengthen immunity, as well as support the health of the baby.

About the benefits of plums, see the program "Live Healthy."


  • Excessive consumption of fresh plums by a child may result in stomach upset, deterioration of health and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (if they are present in the crumbs).
  • On the plum puree or compote from the fruit of the plum, an allergic reaction occurs, manifested by the appearance of redness and flaking on the skin, swelling on the face and other symptoms.
  • Plums are not recommended for diabetes and diseases of the digestive system.

Will the drain weaken?

Plum fruits have a tendency to thin the stool, so they can be used as a prophylactic against constipation. For this reason, parents need to give plum puree to babies very carefully so that such a dish does not cause diarrhea.

From what age can you put in complementary foods?

Plum offer baby after exploring the fruit food in the form of apples and pears. This usually occurs at 8-9 months during breastfeeding and a few months earlier for babies-artificials.
Calculate your feeding chart
Specify the date of birth of the child and the method of feeding

In what form to give?

The child's stomach does not digest the plums fresh, so these fruits begin to be introduced into the baby ration in the form of mashed potatoes. First, it is made from light varieties of plums, and later they treat the baby with dark fruits. Also, plums are often boiled with compote, and for children over 1.5 years old, this fruit is offered in the form of a filling for various pastries.

How to make mashed plums?

  1. Rinse the fruit under running water, and then boil it for about 10 minutes.
  2. After peeling the plums, remove the stones and put the pulp in a blender.
  3. Prepare a homogeneous mass, in which for a more liquid consistency, you can add a little water or juice. Also in such mashed potatoes it is permissible to add human milk.
  4. Ideally, the plum puree does not need to add sugar, but if the plum is sour, the dish can be sweetened with fructose.

Tips for choosing

Plums that are intended for baby food must be ripe and intact.

Choose fruits without dark spots, dents, moldy and rotten areas. Color plums should be uniform, and to the touch fruits should be elastic, not too dry and not softened.

What if a child swallows a bone?

In this situation, you need not to panic, but carefully monitor the condition of the child.The danger of plum stones is associated with its large size and sharp edges. It can get stuck in the esophagus or in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as damage the mucosa.

If a child swallows plum stones, parents should not give the child plenty of fluids or food, or give a laxative or emetic. It would be better to watch the baby and his chair. You must immediately seek medical attention if:

  • The child has nausea.
  • Baby complains of pain in the abdomen.
  • There was repeated vomiting.
  • In the fecal masses there is an admixture of blood.

What to do if you are allergic?

If the child responded to the first portion of the plum puree with an allergic reaction, you should immediately abandon this product and reintroduce it into the supplements only after a few months. In case of severe allergy after drinking plums, you need to show the child to the doctor for the selection of the correct treatment.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


